
Think Clearly Sport

Consulting Website for Sports Psychologist


  • user interface design
  • user experience design
  • site build
  • maintenance

Think Clearly Sport is a Sport Psychology consulting practice run by leading Sports Psychologist James Lambdon.

We worked with James to create a brand and website that promotes the Think Clearly Sport consulting practice.


colour palette

  • #d9466b

  • #19242f

  • #2b3e50

The Think Clearly Sport brand colours are dark tones with an accent of pink to highlight key areas of the website.




The Problem

James Lambdon is a leading Sports Psychologist working in elite sport as both an academic and consultant.

James needed a website and brand assests that promoted his academic background and the professional consulting service he provides to athletes in a professional manner.


User experience

A simple user experience that draws the user down the page to key elements and call to actions using images and typography.

The Solution

We initially worked with James to create branding and brand assets including a number of different logos, colour palettes and font pairings that truly represented the brand.

We then built a website that serves as a platform to promote academic and consulting services whilst presenting a professional and expert persona on the site.


Got questions?

GenUp Digital make it possible for health and fitness experts, entrepreneurs and brands to transform their ideas into digital platforms and online businesses that people love. Get in touch!


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Think Clearly

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